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Jóhannes Bjarkason

Originally from the deep, dark suburbs of Reykjavík, Iceland, Jóhannes Bjarkason’s interest in music started in his teens. Studying the electric bass, he went on to play in a multitude of garage bands. Ultimately, he found his footing by co-founding the Icelandic rassroots art-collective post-dreifing.

 Along with members of post-dreifing, Jóhannes helped support underground artists to thrive in the Reykjavík scene. His involvement in the field stems from his unnerving passion for music, having acquired valuable experiences, insight, and knowledge through his association with the music industry. 

Jóhannes started writing for the Reykjavík Grapevine in 2023 after returning to Iceland from Vancouver, BC. You can sometimes see him play with the post-punk band Skoffín.